Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Home, Sweet Home!

It looks like we are really, truly going to build a house!! Kelly and I picked out all of the "style" elements for our House of Dreams last Saturday in Augusta. Floors, walls, cabinets, counters, fixtures, siding and doors--and it only took us 2 and 1/2 hours. Big sigh. Of course, we thought of several questions the minute we walked out the door, but our anxiety was relieved after some delicious fried shrimp at Rhineharts! We also found samples of our counters later at Lowe's to have a visual to share. Personally, I am using those samples to remind me that we really are making things happen! Our land is being cleared, so now we just have three buildings to demolish. Doable by September 1? I sure hope so! This is the house we chose, in similar colors.

Unfortunately, wedding plans are not rocking along as smoothly. With so much time and energy vested in the house, the wedding has fallen to the back burner. Kelly and I have visited several possible locations, but nothing was an automatic, "This is it!" We have, however, done some more registries (locally) so we have not been completely neglectful. And my paper flowers are coming along nicely, thank you Pinterest.

We will finally have our Adriana back this weekend!! She has not stayed for the weekend since March 17, which feels like an eternity! With a three year old, A LOT changes in one month. We have a busy weekend planned, including a trip to visit my daddy and stepmother, and a late birthday party for Maebrynn. Adriana missed out on the earlier celebration, but Mae certainly will not be opposed to another party and more presents! Mommy will hopefully finish painting her rocking chair this week so everything will be ready for our family time beginning Friday!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy Birthday, Maebrynn!!

My sweet darling girl turns two years old today!!! I asked if she knew what today is, and she told me, "Mae's birthday presents!!" She has caught on quickly! We are postponing her originally planned party so we may include her sister. Adriana's mother did not believe it was fair for Adriana to leave during her weekend with her mother, so for this year, we are going to adjust. Soon, Adriana will be able to make those decisions herself! So party is tentatively scheduled for April 20/21. As for today, Mommy is leaving work early to spend the afternoon with Maebrynn! I am thinking homemade pizza tonight because she loooves "pita," and that's something she can help make. Pictures to come!