Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Wedding Progress... YAY!!

It looks as though we are really, truly going to get married!! :) I had no doubts about actually getting married, just the "where"! Such a relief to have it finally decided! My paper flowers have not been made in vain. Now that we have a set location for both the ceremony and reception, I can better create my vision. I am proud to report that Kelly handled, in its entirety, the selecting and booking of the church. I am so blessed to have an involved groom! I honestly think he is really just as excited as me. So for his next project: making the corn hole boards for the "lawn games" portion of our reception. I can't just let him relax while I am making all of these flowers. He has actually helped with that somewhat also. We are (fingers-crossed) selecting & ordering invitations on Friday. Updated information about the locations for our festivities has been added to our wedding site @ margaretkelly.ourwedding.com.

Our house plans are progressing slowly but surely as well. We are determined to have Kelly's brother-in-law, Fred Velazquez, do the foundation work on our house. It has caused a bit of a halt at the moment, but hopefully the company will come do the footers next week. I pray that after the foundation is set, the rest of the house will come up quickly. I will just be glad when the pile of burnt trees is gone!. In my mind, I am already forging ahead to lawn and garden plans!