"Play the fast song, Daddy, please?" Adriana asks sweetly.
"Hast song! Hast song! Puulllaaayse!!!" Maebrynn chants loudly.
This is how our first, third, and (on lucky months) fifth weekends always begin. For a few days each month, our family is complete, and we soak up every moment. Our classic love story -- single dad of toddler daughter meets single mom of infant daughter -- is much more convoluted than it seems, but we try to provide as much stability for our babies as possible. As of today, March 22, 2012, Kelly and I have been "together" for 21 months, engaged for three. We are in the throws of wedding plans and house-building plans. This is the story of two people who fell in love... Three times. But so far it is true what they say! Third time's a charm!
Adriana turned three in November, and Maebrynn will be two in April. They are your typical sisters, fighting one minute, kissing each other the next. Adriana began referring to Mae as "sister" last weekend, something that thrills me to no end. Maebrynn cries, fiercely demanding to know where Adriana is every Sunday when she is dropped off at her grandmother's. I know she thinks Kelly and I stash Adri somewhere because her little mind does not understand yet how things work. Adriana herself has a difficult time understanding, and that is one of the most painful things to know. It is not an easy path that we take, but we do alright making things work.
Kelly is a welder who rarely gets to weld. Construction is his blanket field. Regardless, he is a hard worker and very talented. I could not be prouder of the man I have chosen to marry.
I am a Library Assistant at the University of Georgia. I do other things as well, including writing a small blurb for our county newspaper about the community in which we live and filling in some Saturdays at the Robert Toombs House, an historic site in Washington, Georgia. I doubt I will ever be monetarily rich, but I really enjoy my jobs!
That is the quick and easy description of our family. I plan to post about progress we make with our DIY wedding, our house, and who knows what else may pop up in between the two. I feel that this may be the best way to share our updates with family and friends, and who knows? I may entertain or teach y'all something!
By the way, the "fast song" is country artist Chris Young's "Lost." It is highly appealing to the toddler/preschool crowd. This is a Public Service Announcement (warning).